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Gabby Malte - Surgery Head Intern and Internship Coordinator

Reach: [email protected]

“The internship has afforded an incredible opportunity for me to explore a career in neurosurgery entails and work with other individuals who are passionate about pursuing a career in healthcare. It has also allowed me to gain valuable clinical and shadowing experience, two opportunities that are hard to come by as a pre-medical student. Although very rigorous, the work that I have done in the internship has been extremely rewarding.” 

Lina Lew - Clinic Head Intern and Internship Coordinator

“Dr. Yoo’s fast-paced neurosurgery practice has 1000% nurtured my interest in healthcare into a full-fledged motivation and desire to pursue medicine. Whether it’s scribing for patient visits, running weekend clinics, or shadowing Dr. Yoo in spine surgery, there are endless opportunities to grow, learn, see, and do. San Diego Neurosurgery has truly given me an intimate 360 perspective into all aspects of patient care, and every day I wake up excited to learn something new from Dr. Yoo, his staff, and my fellow interns at the practice.”

Jonathan Shyu - Surgery Head Intern and Internship Coordinator

Contact: [email protected]

“Working with Dr. Yoo has been one of the most rewarding and influential experiences I have had as I work for my career in medicine. I started working under Dr. Yoo in October 2021, and as a current Clinic/Surgery Head Intern and Research Coordinator, I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in medicine through activities such as coordinating clinics and surgeries, shadowing, and scribing. This internship has been one of my most valuable experiences as this works as my first exposure to working in the medical field. I have gained many new skills such as navigating medical EMRs, working with insurance, and even reading radiographs at a basic level. Beyond developing medical skills, I’ve also found myself with more refined communication skills, a better professional work ethic, and overall more exposure to how the medical business functions. Although the internship demands a lot of you and requires your highest standard and attention to detail, it is unarguably rewarding if you stay consistent with your efforts. Dr. Yoo, the staff, and the practice are all highly supportive of your growth; consequently, working in the practice has undoubtedly solidified my interest in medicine as well as my aspirations to become a surgeon.”

Gage Rullhausen - Surgery Head Intern

Contact: [email protected]

“Having only been an intern for a short time at the practice, the experiences and opportunities provided to me so far have been invaluable. Being able to observe and participate in a part of the medical process by interacting with patients, scribing consultations, understanding different diagnosis, and being a part in a person’s treatment is extremely rewarding. Additionally, I have noticed continual improvement in myself and my abilities as Dr. Yoo has emphasized growth throughout my time at the practice, whether it’s taking on more responsibilities or learning how to work efficiently within a team. Not only have I learned from mentors like Dr. Yoo, but I have also learned a great deal from fellow interns and staff. Throughout my time here, I have grown close with many of those in the practice as they have immensely helped with my success in the practice and outside of it. I am greatly appreciative for the opportunity to work in a medical setting such as this, and be surrounded by those who help me improve in my knowledge, critical thinking, communication, sociability, and growth as an individual.”


Vy Nguyen

“My experience as a clinic intern has been the highlight of my career journey thus far. I have had the chance to experience a variety of clinic work as well as plan didactic trainings and meetings on neurosurgical topics. The open learning environment of the practice has allowed me to highlight my strengths while challenging and pushing me to work on my weaknesses. I am extremely thankful for countless opportunities to grow professionally which have energized me to continue further in the internship.”

Syon Mansur

“The San Diego Neurosurgery Internship has been, by far, the most rewarding experience in my journey as a pre-medical student. One of the main struggles pre-medical students face is a lack of tangible experience working in a clinical setting. Dr. Yoo’s internship provided the perfect solution as it instantly immersed me into the inner workings of a medical practice. I quickly gained experience scheduling appointments, scribing for patient encounters, and even shadowing surgeries. Beyond this valuable patient interaction, I have learned all about the behind-the-scenes of the medical world such as working with insurance companies, coordinating with hospitals, and communicating with other doctors to ensure that every patient receives excellent medical care. In addition, the San Diego Neurosurgery Internship has been extremely effective in teaching me how to adapt to quickly changing scenarios and truly work in a fast-paced environment. I’ve learned to communicate effectively and think critically in order to analyze and solve problems, which are incredibly valuable skills that I will carry with me as I progress through the medical world. Dr. Yoo and his staff make your learning and growth a priority and, as a result, there is no doubt that this opportunity has been an immensely enriching experience that has fueled my desire to pursue a career in medicine.”

Emily Nguyen

“Even though I’ve only been an intern for a short time, the information and experiences I’ve acquired about medicine, surgery, and the administrative side of running a medical practice have been incredibly valuable as a pre-health student. I’m always learning each time I’m on shift because each patient’s case is different, whether it’s getting authorization for surgery, scheduling appointments, or scribing for a clinical visit. We’re constantly encountering novel situations where we need to engage our critical and creative thinking skills, which not only helps in the internship but also in school, work, and life. There is a large emphasis on growth and teamwork because everyone’s role is important, even if you’re remote. Not only do we learn from our intern responsibilities, but there are so many opportunities to learn from fellow interns, the staff, and Dr. Yoo if we seek them out. Overall, you get out what you put in, but this internship has definitely rewarded me with unique skills and knowledge that can’t be found anywhere else.”